An unprecedented meeting: Sherpa and Finance Tracks meet with Task Forces to conclude proposals for G20 Leaders’ Summit

July 4, 2024
Meeting of Task Forces proposed by Brasil’s G20 presidency with the forum's Sherpa and Finance tracks highlighted priorities such as reducing inequalities and combating climate change. The event reiterated Brasil's role as a leader in global initiatives and demonstrated the evolving integration of the two tracks since the first formal meeting in Brasilia in December 2023.
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Science 20 approves document for G20 leaders on social justice in science

July 3, 2024
The G20 Social's Science and Technology engagement group concluded its Summit on Tuesday (02), presenting its document of recommendations to the forum's state and government leaders. In accordance with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, social justice was part of all the recommendations.
More infoaboutScience 20 approves document for G20 leaders on social justice in science

G20 Tourism WG meeting highlights sustainability and development

July 2, 2024
The group's final deliverable will be a report detailing measures taken by member countries to address challenges in professional qualifications and to promote robust, sustainable, and balanced global tourism growth.
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Civil society at the G20: a week full of engagement group meetings

July 2, 2024
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Public and private investment for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change on the agenda at G20

July 1, 2024
More infoaboutPublic and private investment for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change on the agenda at G20

Strategic week: G20 Sherpas to discuss final document and meet with engagement groups in Rio de Janeiro

July 1, 2024
More infoaboutStrategic week: G20 Sherpas to discuss final document and meet with engagement groups in Rio de Janeiro

Young reporters focus on the future of cities

July 1, 2024
More infoaboutYoung reporters focus on the future of cities

Brazilian proposal ignites WG discussions on trade and sustainability principles

June 30, 2024
More infoaboutBrazilian proposal ignites WG discussions on trade and sustainability principles

Civil 20 Holds Midterm Meeting in Rio Ahead of Sherpas' Gathering

June 30, 2024
More infoaboutCivil 20 Holds Midterm Meeting in Rio Ahead of Sherpas' Gathering